
Market Harborough Golf Club

Dress Code

Whilst The Market Harborough Golf Club aims to promote a relaxed atmosphere, we do seek to maintain an acceptable standard of dress, both on course and in the clubhouse.

Members and Visitors are respectfully asked to conform to the Club’s Dress Code which maintains a high standard of smart conventional golf and casual clothing.

Standard of dress

In order to maintain a reasonable standard of dress on the course and in the clubhouse, some examples (but obviously not all) of acceptable and unacceptable dress are provided below.


Mens - Download dress code


  • Recognised smart & conventional golf attire
  • Tailored shorts (cut above the knee), socks in a single plain colour must be worn with shorts
  • Collarless shirts designed specifically for golf may be worn
  • Shirts should preferably be tucked in trousers or shorts in the club house and on the course.
  • Golf caps and headwear must be worn as it is designed to do so with visors forward
  • Golf shoes must be worn on the course


  • Denim wear
  • Cargo or combat, trousers or shorts ( with pockets on the legs)
  • Track Suits and jogging suits or any variants of these
  • Sleeveless or collarless shirts or shirts with indiscreet slogans or logo’s
  • Training shoes
  • Flip flops
  • Beach wear



  • Recognised smart & conventional golf attire
  • Recognised golf tops with collar / with or without sleeves
  • Collarless shirts designed specifically for golf

Ladies may wear shirts outside their trousers if they are designed to do so.
Golf headwear must be worn as it is designed to do so with visors forward


  • Denim wear
  • Track suits, jogging suits or any variant of these
  • Any garments with indiscreet slogans or logos
  • Training shoes
  • Beach wear / beach flip flops

Junior Members

Junior Members / age 12 – 18 – see Men’s dress code above.
Junior Members under 12 may wear – any casual trouser or shorts with socks and training shoes.

It is preferred that they wear tee shirts with a collar and try to maintain a clean, smart and casual appearance, however the Junior Organiser may relax the dress code at any time depending on circumstances.


In addition to the above, please note the following may not be worn in any area of the Clubhouse.


  • Golf / baseball hats
  • Golf Shoes
  • Wet clothing or waterproofs

Also in the Clubhouse, members and visitors are expected to be smartly and appropriately dressed.

Gentlemen should wear socks at all times. Smart Denim jeans and trainers will normally be acceptable, although exceptions may be made for certain events. For formal events gentlemen may be asked to wear a jacket and tie. Notification will be give on these occasions.


If the clubhouse has been hired, smart casual, including jeans is acceptable.

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